Motivational poem.

A complete fall,A complete rise.

Seven denotes completeness,
So seven falls
denote a complete fall.Permanent.
Yet even if seven times i fall,
I say I will still rise again!
As the sun is humbled in it's setting at dusk,
and gloried in it's rise the dawn after,
over and over again,
So will I be.
After every fall I will rise again,
to mock at my defeat.
I say seven times i may fall,
But seven times shall i rise as well,
A complete rise,to match a complete fall.

about the poem.

This is a poem,about hope,hope that you will still make it despite the discouragements along the way symbolized by the 'falls' or rather failures before success.The message in the poem is that no matter how titanic in magnitude your setbacks are,no matter how big the barriers to achieving your goals seem,do not dare give up,keep fighting,it's one thing you can do without regrets.The poem should be read strictly as it's written meaning that capital letters denote the start of a new sentence,and small letters at the start of a line a continuation of a sentence.
