Investing in 'the self' is the greatest value investment you can make.

Human beings invest a lot,from time immemorial but especially in the modern age,but rarely has it been more vital to make a significant part of that investment be to self,which is personal investment,as opposed to external investment,which are the interests we pursue.Most people think of money when they hear the word investment,but this is a narrow view of the activity of investing,even though correct by some measure.You see,you can only invest when you have some capital in the form of a resource which you can commit to a pursuit,and while that resource can be money,it can also be time.It could also be your talents and skills,or even your knowledge.This is why it’s wrong to think only of money when we hear the word investing.By now,you realize that you have something you can invest,so how to go about it is the next step,but whatever investment you are making,channel most of it to the self,as that develops you and makes you better positioned for utilizing opportunities.The reason for investing is always to improve your position through better returns.You invest resources to create assets,from which you can get expanded returns.Assets are really the product of adding value to resources.

Failure to invest in yourself,for better development of the right values and skill set,as well as mental and spiritual well being could negate any good returns you get from investing outside yourself.Think of a business owner who is very good at what they do and is enjoying growing profits.He has invested rightly his skills ,money and time in the business,hence the good returns,and this is the dream of any business owner.However,our business owner has not invested adequately in himself,and has unstable social relations,is a drunkard and is poor at managing personal finances.Get the drift? All his success in business goes to waste because he didn’t invest right in himself,and could eventually cost him the business!Perhaps the question is how to invest in yourself then,because this example is too commonplace,and the lack of personal investment is the reason for a majority of failures across all classes of people.The way to do it,is first to understand why it’s important,what you can invest(it could be any resource you have,not just money,or in addition to money),and how to go about it,which requires development of some management skill.

You invest in yourself to become a more productive person,to yourself and the society.The most readily available resource you have to invest is time,and it has been called the essential resource by some,as without it you can’t invest any other resources you have.One of the best ways to invest time is not to waste it.Any time not spent on useless pursuits which add no value to yourself but possibly degrade you is time well invested.Spend time with the right social groups,in religious activity and working,instead of in feeding a drug addiction or idling.Reading is another way to spend time well,as it develops your mind as you relate to other people’s opinions.Investing time well allows for you to invest your other resources,like your skills,talents and knowledge.Starting a business is one of the best ways to invest time,which benefits you and the society.Repeatedly questioning your values,and dedicating effort to cultivate the right ones,could see you shed off destructive habits and become more valuable an asset to yourself and the society.For you to become a good personal investor,you need to plan,to set goals,and to review your progress other words,you need to develop yourself as a manager,for your resources.Having a diary could help you greatly manage your resources effectively.You need to make it part of your success strategy,developing your personal resources.

With this in mind,you need to focus more on being a better manager for your resources.You could invest money in acquiring new skills,like going to school or learning a new language,or invest in expanding your business.The same can be said of any other resource you have,and remember,while money is an acquired resource,all humans are born with free God given resources,so you need to appreciate that and rightly invest them.After starting to invest right,you need to cultivate your investment,meaning personal investment is an active process.Just like an athlete needs to keep on practicing to maintain top form and win races,you need to cultivate your investments to get the best return from them.If you have a skill you have neglected you may never appreciate it’s value.For instance,good communication skills could be the difference between your getting a lucrative job contract or not,but good communication skills come after you have put effort in developing them.So cultivate your investments,for the best returns.

A common investment mistake,as I conclude,is to invest for the society instead of giving first priority to yourself.I know many individuals stuck in the wrong careers because they gave no heed to their interests when going to university but studied what courses that had good opportunities in their society.You end up stuck in the wrong career,enduring your job and being poorly productive.This is just one of the many examples of wrong investments,and they are costly.You could avoid this by taking time to think about yourself,your likes and passions,and what you stand for.This simple exercise can help you avoid making the wrong investments.

Author: Joe.
