Summaries and introductions.

 To those writers currently in our interview process,this is the second of four stages of the interview.The first stage was were we got to see  how well you can write,and if you are in this stage now,then you have satisfied us that you show great promise.Congrats!.There will be a third stage,and then the fourth stage,which will be an in person interview at our Hurligham(Nairobi) offices to discuss work  terms.

You are required to do a summary and an introduction,to the specified articles sent on email,but to also choose any one other article of your choice in this blog to do both a summary and an introduction of it.

A summary captures the main points of an article,and it's conclusion,and is designed to give the reader a good idea of the longer article.An introduction on the other hand is an appetizer,designed to make the reader want to read the full article,by giving them a tantalizing test of the article before hand. 

You are expected to be creative in your approach,and to come up with convincing summaries and introductions.Such documents are useful on different platforms,where the house does not need to show the whole article,and so our interest at this stage is to see if you are a good fit for this.The process will also test your editing skills,a great asset for a writer.

Congratulations are in order,as if you have advanced to this second stage of the interview,it means you convinced us in the first,and we see your writing potential.I wish you all the best.

We also encourage you to participate in our upcoming poetry festival where there will be numerous contests,and lots of prizes and awards to win.see more details here the CHEKI CHEKI poetry festival

The grand prize,under the category grand CHEKI CHEKI poet will be a sum of ksh.30,000. 



Fortune Money Publishing House.
