The beauty of failure,
Is that it teaches,
And the calamity is when,
The lesson is not learnt,
For it matters not how long the journey is,
How hard and impossible the trek is,
What does matter at the end of the day,
is just but a question,
'did you make it or not?'
and that's all you need worry about,
the question.
For if the answer to it be negative,
Then you need to explain to yourself and the world,
Why fail you did,
and if wise enough you'll use the teaching of failure,
To fair better in your next try,
But if you all you learnt is that you failed,
Then in a calamity indeed you are!,
However if the answer to the question be positive,
then worry you need not to,
Rather rejoice in your success. 



There is some good in every bad thing,and so in failure can be found something good-a lesson.When a person fails in attaining a goal then by reviewing why they fail,or asking themselves what they did wrong,the can avoid repeating the mistakes in future.That moment of failure becomes the reason they succeed in future endeavors.What happens when the lesson of failure isn't learned? it learnt in a future time,and then failure becomes ugly,not beautiful.


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