African dictaorial rulers,features of a dictatorship.

In this poem i have highlighted some major elements of dictatorial rule,and in particular African authoritarian regimes,of which I have a firsthand perspective having lived under Kenya's Dictator the former President Moi,a ruler I find quite similar to Colonel Gadaffi in methods of suppression and governance,and the colonel is the inspiration behind the poem i wrote on the subject.So read on!


his word is law,
his wish the government policy,
no consultations are ever made,
on the kingdoms affairs,as that's unnecessary,
the great wisdom of the king
is enough guiding principle.
no opposing voices are listened to,
indeed disentients are brutally discouraged
with unlawful arrests and inhuman torture or death.
as for the people,
you need the kings favor to fair well,
obtainable through unquestionable loyalty
and support for his evil schemes on the people.
Yet the king is never happy,
because all day he's scared for his life,
his enemies being so many.
and at night he dreams
of how to consolidate his control
which always isn't strong enough.
but when the people have had enough of the tyranny,
and an Egyptian or Libyan apprising sounds appealing
the king is in trouble,
indeed even the king of kings himself
losses his composure in such times,
never mind Tripoli is still in Libya
and the palace isn't burning yet.
about the poem:

this is a poem about dictatorships,and life under such rule.notice that the rulers are described as kings because they govern as though by mandate of heaven,just like the kings of old.I was inspired to write the poem by the current political upheavals in Libya,where a revolution to oust its dictatorial leader colonel Gaddaffi has lately been making international headlines.And the tittle king of kings,in-case you dint know,is one takes great pride in.the poem can off course be applied in all dictatorial settings including families because all dictatorships share not only similarities but also the same sad fate of falling.
