Online publishing by Fortune money publishing house.
We do both traditional publishing,and new trends online publishing.We do publish e-books,and sell them on online platforms,but we also do what we call conglomerate publishing,which is publishing financed by adverts.This article focuses on conglomerate publishing by fortune money publishing house,a publisher based in Nairobi,Kenya.
As we define it,conglomerate publishing is a low cost highly efficient publishing method,where we use low cost platforms to publish the work,and use efficient and effective means to distribute it,and rely on low cost marketing.We only do it for article collections,short story collections,short story anthologies,poetry collections and novellas.The practice is to involve the writers or poets throughout the process,in publishing,distribution and marketing,as one way to give the authors and poets more visibility to their audience.Authors and poets earn through marketing commissions,and royalties,but all revenues are generated from ads on the works,or ad revenue as a result of the publications.Marketing and distribution are discussed in separate articles.
Currently,the house fully subsidizes the cost of publishing to the authors and poets,as we market the service.Publishing costs include editing,compiling and the fixed costs of maintaining the platforms we use for publishing and marketing.
Where we do conglomerate publishing for collaborations between different writers or poets,we manage the process well from the onset,to have the product be a team effort.Writers,authors and poets are free to suggest works for collaboration,and we will get a team around the works from the writers we have contacts with.The idea is to give quality publishing to an hungry audience.
By keeping publishing costs low,we make conglomerate publishing accessible to many writers who are stuck with manuscripts with no idea where to get them published.We give such writers a platform,and currently,we are the market leader in conglomerate publishing in Kenya and the larger east African region.While presently,we only pay writers minimum commissions and marketing commissions for their work,we go a step further by giving the writers more opportunities to earn by becoming marketing agents for the house,selling advert space on our platforms to the wider market,but this is discussed more in the article on marketing.We have also managed to monetize distribution,and you are encouraged to read the article on distribution for more information.
Thus under conglomerate publishing,writers become business partners,to each other and to the house,and can even help inform the agenda for future publications.We offer our organizational strength and efficiency to the writers ,authors and poets,allowing them to access a wide audience for their work through a well structured framework.If you are a writer or poet and been never published,or would like to reach a wider audience and build a bigger reputation for yourself,conglomerate publishing is just the thing for you.We also use writers and poets under this program for our other publications,after we are comfortable with their development,so conglomerate publishing is how you buy your way into the house.The same writers are also used for our allied publications.We give each work under conglomerate publishing an online I.d,which serves as it’s certificate,and writers can be able to cite it when looking for other writing opportunities.In the meantime,you get celebrated as a writer,author or poet,and earn from writing,and building your name to a bigger audience.
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