Addiction,the menace that steals your control.

To be an addict is to be unwillingly controlled by a factor either within or without you.The immediate effect of this is that you lose self control,a situation hat turns you into a slave of whatever has addicted you.Addiction is a vicious enemy that degrades you,as the sense of helplessness that comes with losing control has an effect that touches on every single aspect of your life,not just what is directly related to the addiction.For instance an addiction to khat always turns you into an idler,affecting directly the invisible resource time ,which you begin to waste in disturbing proportions,but it also affects your self esteem negatively,degrading your sense of self worth with very varied effects on your social and commercial interests,as you start to shy away from friends and business contacts to feed the addiction. There are some people prone to addictions,because of their personalities if not genetics,but in truth anyone can be an addict since we are creatures of behavior.Occasionally using a substance or engaging in an habit does not make you an addict,true,but it could lead you to that undesired state. Don't believe the lie that there are good and bad addictions,every addiction is bad.Nothing that can bend your free will without your consent can be considered good,and that's what addiction does. The fight against addiction is an epic contest to retain your self control..and starts with admitting that you are an addict to something,however harmless it may seem.You may be surprised at how wide the effects of coming out of addiction affect your daily life,as you adjust to your God given constitution.Recognize addiction as your enemy,and dare to fight back against the enslavement,and earn back your freedom. Without a doubt,addiction is something filled with evil import,as it works against your God given free will,imposing a new repressive will upon you.One of the most common addictions is drug addiction,which almost always leads the addict to sin,as you steal money to fuel the addiction and cheat to evade being caught,as chief of the evils.But it goes further and structurally alters you,especially the brain,but also other body parts like the bronchi and lungs in case of cigarette smoking,defiling a body that God calls his temple.Sexual addiction is another common type represented by an over arching need for pornography or the actual physical act of intercourse,denying you the chance to have healthy sexual relationships like in a marriage by making you incapable of it.It really would take a voluminous book to detail all the evils of addiction,but for this article,it is enough to point out that addiction is a menace you must fight at every opportunity until you win.Even being a workaholic,addicted to work,is bad as it denies you the opportunity for good social well being through social discourse. Finally,the way to fight addiction is to first name your addiction and then having identified it focus your effort and energy into coming out of it through the practical things that you do,like refusing to satisfy that urge for a smoke or a beer.Getting a healthy lifestyle is yet one more practical thing you can do,like spending time reading instead of chewing khat for hours on end,or going for a church weekday prayer session instead of the bar.The buck stops with you in dealing with addiction.I however don't support the idea of going to rehabilitation centers to fight addiction,as that will prove useless if you are not determined to stop the addiction.You are strong,fight it from within,and remember that in the fight against evil,you are never alone,the all powerful almighty God is on your side. My closing remarks?You know you are an addict when you can't control your desire for something,you have been enslaved by it.Live free,don't accept to be a slave,you were born to be free! 

Author:Lion Mambo.


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