The Mambalian empire civilization.
(Literature/The empire series)
The empire is now not just the largest territorial mass,territory including land and space,second only to the dominion,but now also is become a civilization.From the capital mambalia,the emperor presides over the most ambitious civilization entity to ever exist,as the dominion is not a civilization but something else entirely.
There are five aspects to the empire as a civilization and are what underpin it's entity as a civilization.All five aspects have equal importance,but differ in priority to citizens of the empire.They are in order of priority the empire as a religious entity,a social entity,an economic entity,a military entity and a political entity.These five aspects of the empire are rooted in the five main interests in the empire,which are the five interests of the whole(the emperor),each of the five interests safeguarded by one of the five parts of the whole as follows:
entity , interest , part of the whole safeguarding interest.
1) religious -worship a) the self,
2) social -socializing b) the darkness,
3) economic -commerce c) the control,
4) military -war d) the wind,
5) political -politics e) the eagle.
Each of the five interests is highly developed in the whole,so that the empire reflects this development on the part of the whole,as the whole changes the empire to suit it. The whole safeguards the five interests not on it's own,but through the five empire councils each headed by one part of the whole as follows:
the reigning council-the self,
the social council-the darkness,
the owning council-the control,
the contest council-the wind,
the ruling council-the eagle.
Directions or guidelines on the five interests are given by the civilization committees,which are five ,one each for each interest,named after the interest it represents.The emperor,having shared all necessary authority to the ruling structures to enable the empire as a whole to become a civilization,became the author of the civilization,author denoting the fact that he now has more of the resource authority than any other being in the empire apart from God.
To expound further on the empire as a civilization,it is appropriate to write a bit on each of it's character as represented by it's five entities.
1) A religious entity.
character of the empire is guarded by the reigning council,which is the
highest of the five empire councils and is chaired by the self.All
citizens of the empire are to worship God,the trinity of the father,the
son and the holy spirit,including the emperor.Worship of other deities
is not forbidden,just discouraged,a major discount being that it is made
a vain effort by the part of the whole control.The resource war
worships the emperor,and this as the worship committee points out is not
out of norm as a resource is not an individual.Worship is to be
understood as submission.
2) A social entity.
The darkness chairs the social council which guards this character of the empire.All associations between citizens are deemed valid,and norms and rues are enforced by the social committee,and are designed to encourage prosperous social relations.To reflect this entity of the empire,ruling structures are composed of several individuals,as either councils,teams or committees.Even the whole is a collection of five different individuals.
3) An economic entity.
The owning council guards this character of the empire,and is chaired by the control.commerce is encouraged especially by the existence of rules underpinning it,and a dedicated army,the loriana army,to ensure that commerce proceeds unhindered.Trade and business flourish in light of the existence of an enabling environment,leading to increasing economic prosperity for all citizens.
4) A military entity.
War has led to peace and stability in the empire,allowing for the other four interests to flourish.To ensure continuity in this state of affairs,the empire military composed of ten armies is kept in a state of high combat readiness at all times.since war worships the emperor,it is permitted for kings to wage war with each other as long as the emperor's council is first notified of the commencement of hostilities.
5) A political entity.
Citizens are allowed to form alliances whose membership is by popular vote,unless it's by appointment.this let's the citizen have a means for political expression with relative freedom from interference by kings who rule all territories of the empire on behalf of the emperor.
These five characters of the empire are what underpin it's existence as a civilization.In-case you were wondering what this empire is,well,it's the Mambalian empire!Subscribe to this blog for a deeper insight into the empire of which you are one on the gazillions of citizens!
Lion Mambo,