Resident house writers needed.
Fortune money publishing house is looking for
ambitious and talented writers to service our growing demand for written content.We have a great
remuneration program for qualifying writers,as well as a skill development
program for writers we believe show promise .We have 10 publishing
divisions,as shown below,and prospective writers are encouraged to review them to familiarize themselves more with our house.Writers who succeed in joining our house will be expected to be able to write on any of the divisions,although they will each in practice specialize in 3 of the 10 divisions to be writing on .We encourage originality in our publishing,where writers don't have to agree on prevailing views but can express their personal opinion on different topics in their work.If you peruse through the posts already in this blog,which is one of our publishing platforms(we categorize it as a secondary blog,which we use for writer development),you will be able to get a feel of the writing we are interested in,before you write for us your sample articles.
The publishing divisions are:
Both fiction and non fiction literature,including poetry.
About business in general.
Both product and service marketing,as well as brand marketing.
Issues with different perspectives affecting the society like mental health.
Culture,relationships,and relations between individuals in a society.
f)Value addition.
Motivational writings and entertainment.
g) Management.
Personal management such as career planning and personal goal setting.
h) Religion.
Anything about religious and spiritual life in any religion.
i)Politics and governance.
Issues on political and governance aspects of our modern or historical society.
j)current affairs.
Current issues affecting the society.
If you have any questions or need any clarification on the divisions,inquire from the editor @
We look forward to your joining our team as we pursue prosperity together,in this highly lucrative business of writing.
We also encourage you to participate in the forthcoming poetry festival where there will be lots of awards and great prize monies to win.see more details here the CHEKI CHEKI poetry festival.
The grand prize will be ksh.30,000 to the winning poem by a poet,and it could be you!