The evil that is:Satan and demonic activity.

Satan is a liar,the father of lies according to the bible,and being a spirit,though he can take physical form,one of his favorite lies is to deceive the world that he does not exist.This allows for him to hide in plain sight.By doubting his existence,you involuntarily end up starting to doubt the existence of God,who created him and speaks of his existence in the bible,taking you further fro the light and the truth.Yet for those who have had their spiritual eye opened by interaction with spirits,Satan and demons are as real as human beings are and their activity in the society is easy to see.From personal experience,I confess that Satan and demons are real and very active in daily human life,and in my opinion,animal life too. Satan and demons however have a weakness,in that since Jesus,they lack authority here on earth,and have only remained with their power.This lack of authority means that Satan doesn’t have any rights over life on earth,forcing him to use power,but for Christians,his power is inadequate,as he Christ gave them more power than his.Getting to know this through an interaction with demons or Satan is very liberating,as you fully realize they can only control you as much as you allow them.You are the boss in the relationship.They hate such a state of affairs,and are an angry lot,and any opportunity you give them to harm you by letting down your guard they will use to the full.They are a destructive lot,focused on ruining you. Yet many in the world feel intrigued by the working of this dark powers,and to many it’s a fascinating mystery to explore.That should not be the case.Satan and demons are enemies of humanity,interaction with whom should not be encouraged at all.The bible advises that we flee from evil,not get fascinated by it.The truth of the matter is that God and his many divine beings is a true fascination,an open book to be read by any who shows interest and a delightful mystery to unravel.For those interested in matters of spiritual warfare,which should interest everyone as spiritual warfare affecting the minutest details of your life is constant,you should know that the choice of which side of spiritual warfare you are in is up-to you.Whether you consciously make the decision or subconsciously do so,you are either for God or against God,there is no middle ground. And spiritual warfare plays out in the physical dimension through the thoughts,pursuits and activities by physical beings like you and me.You express which side you are on,which is why the bible says you shall know them by their fruits.Indeed the physical dimension is merely the product of the interaction of the spiritual dimension and the psychological dimension.every one of us has spirits dominating their lives,which is the spiritual dimension,and determines what happens with or to the person by interacting with his character,which is the psychological dimension.your identity,what you stand for,what virtues you hold on to,are your psychological dimension,and shape your will.Demons and Satan study this dimension,which is your character and work on you so that what results in the physical dimension is of evil import.similarly,when you invite God into your life,it’s your character,your psychological dimension ,that he changes,leading to your doing things in the physical dimension which you were unable to do before.A promiscuous husband becomes faithful,because he is no longer ruled by sexual greed,a quarrelsome wife becomes tolerable,because she has found peace in her heart as the anger leaves her.Anyone who has had conscious intersection with spirits can spot this changes ,and understand them to be happening because the spirits formerly ruing over the individual are no more,and a new group is in charge. Spirits do die,when they stop reasoning,or doing what they were designed to do,yes even their form can die.spiritual warfare includes direct combat between opposing spirits,with psychological implementations on the human being they are tied to as well as results that happen in the physical dimension.that combat is deadly fighting,and a zero sum affair,where one side must win and there are no draws.When we speak of someone being tempted,it’s a case of spiritual warfare in the physical realm,and part of a larger war,as it occurs in the spiritual dimension as well.when you resist temptation,as a godly person,you help the spirits from God guarding you win battles for your life,and vice versa.So you participate in spiritual warfare on a daily basis. I used to commit adultery a lot,and a lot of masturbation and general sexual greed,until I learned the truth of that you are the one in control of the spirits God gives you,while he remains in-charge.Then I began to consciously wage war on the evil powers that fueled my sexual greed,and in a battle that lasted three weeks I was free of the evil!Off-course many other people do this subconsciously,but is exciting to do it consciously,through prayer,which is how you use your God given military.As a result of getting rid of sexual greed,now I have healthy social relationships with many women without thinking of sex with them,something that has positively affected my business interests and social well being,especially by having a fulfilling relationship with my wife.Am also now better at using money,unlike in the past where I was very wasteful as I sought to feed my sexual greed.All these positive effects from using my God given military,which it’s possible you also have,on one issue!Yet I must add that the determinant for spiritual dimension is your psychological dimension.i had to want to stop sexual sin before I could use the military on the evil powers that fed the appetite in me. You have control over the fate of your spiritual dimension and physical dimension,by getting strong or weak in the psychological dimension.Because of the fall of Adam,all humans are born weak on the psychological dimension,and already defeated by Satan and demons.It’s only by a deliberate process of building strength on the psychological dimension through your upbringing and the choices you make that you can remedy this psychological weakness,and hope for victory over Satan.A Christian ultimately achieves this by getting saved.Satan and the demons know this,and will try their best to stop it from happening,but as he lacks authority,can’t force you to not choose to be saved,only you can prevent yourself from achieving victory.Even after being saved,Satan will still attack you ,more than before,in the hopes of bringing about your downfall,which is why you need to be alert to the fact that spiritual warfare is constant,and to not let down you guard at any point.  

Author:Lion Mambo.
