Cigarrete smoking,the dangers in a puff.
Cigarette smoking is commonly unhealthy and detrimental to the human body. Its long term effects are
crippling and have been with us since time immemorial. Studies have been done over time and a large
percentage of the same have come up with damning conclusions. The heart, being one of the most critical organs in the body is highly susceptible to the effects of smoking.Carbon Monoxide emitted from cigarettes lowers the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream. This coupled with the presence of nicotine puts the heart on high alert. It has to pump blood faster and harder than normal to compensate for the shortfall in oxygen. Prolonged exposure of the heart to such strain often leads to Cardiovascular complications and eventual death.
Smoking introduces around fifty known carcinogens into the bloodstream. Once carcinogenesis takes root in the body, one becomes highly likely to contract cancer. This becomes a very expensive affair as cancer has no known cure. Its mortality rate stands at 442 per 100,000 men and women per year according to the 2013 to 2017 figures. This is highly alarming hence the reason why cigarettes must be shunned at whatever the cost.
Smoking also destroys and weakens the alveoli or air sacs. This makes it very difficult to breath and to
channel the much needed oxygen into your bloodstream. It also terminates the tiny hairs on the lining of
the airways that are responsible for natural cleaning of the passages. This means that all the dirt that
comes into the lungs, stays in the lungs. In the long term, this clogging leads to many complications
including cancer and subsequent demise. Around 30,000 people in the UK alone die each year from lung cancer.
The negative effects of smoking are many and varied. From cardiovascular complications and various
forms of cancers. We can all agree that smoking is indeed more harmful and unhealthy to the human body than most of us can fathom. It is therefore my strongest opinion that we should all quit this behavior and put our health first. There are other ‘cooler’ and more fancy ways of dying if you must. Stop smoking!