Publishing divisions of Fortune money publishing house.
Fortune money publishing
house is a Kenyan based publisher serving a global audience.We do both online publishing,and traditional hard copy publishing,which is also sometimes called print publishing.We are oriented towards publishing works on 10 divisions for which our research has showed their is a good audience in the reading market.This way we guarantee all our writers a market for their work.We are based in Hurligham,Nairobi.Our publishing deals include marketing and distribution.
To help you understand better our orientation,we have here the full list of the 10 divisions we publish on,and as we define them,so that you can know what to expect from us,or see which segment you can contact us to publish you on.For online publishing,we do e books mainly,but we also have a very friendly package we call conglomerate publishing,which is very pocket friendly.For this package,we publish short story collections,anthologies,poetry collections and article collections.For this and any other publishing,contact us at,see the publishing divisions below.
The publishing divisions are:
Both fiction and non fiction literature,including poetry.We focus on all types of literature,from short stories to novellas and novels,and series'.For poetry we do any length of collections,from a minimum of five poems,and any type of poems.
We focus on business start ups and content about how to run a new business,from inception through the growth stage to maturity.In this,we also include academic books and articles on business,where concepts are explored.
We publish on marketing trends,strategy and application.Whether it's an article or an article collection,or a book,we are interested in work that informs the reader on the practical aspects of marketing,so that the work finds easy application in their daily lives.
We explore psychological health in all it's aspects,from mood swings to stress to mental health.We don't limit ourselves to any one aspect of psychology,and allow for works that explore the relationship between the spiritual and the psychological,or the physical and the psychological,as these three dimensions are interrelated.
e)Networking,culture and relationships
We focus on the benefits of networking and how one can build and make use of valuable networks.We also publish on the cultural aspects of a community,including what is norm and what is taboo.Relationships between individuals or individuals and the society comes under this broad division as well.
f)motivation and entertainment.
Motivational writings and any topic on entertainment,from sport to theater.We focus on the important part motivation plays on the wellness of an individual,as well as what constitutes good motivation.
g)personal growth and management
Aspects about individuals that lead to success or failure at a personal level,and how that affects the society.
h) Religion.
Anything about religious and spiritual life in any religion.
i)Politics and governance.
Issues on political and governance aspects of our modern or historical society related to how it impacts the present..
j)current affairs and technology.
Current issues affecting the society.For technology,it's any work on tech,on any field of technology,and how it's affecting the society.It is necessary to relate the work to the society for us to publish it.
Now you know what we publish on!Contact us to get published,whether it's just an article or a book,we will be happy to publish your work,as we have a package for every work!