Freelance writers(listed authors).


A listed author is the identity we give to freelance writers who write articles for us,for our various platforms.Usually ,we give the writers topics to write on,depending on the interests of the audience,and unlike our staff writers who are paid a salary,listed authors are paid an agreed fee per article.Our staff writers do regular writings,while listed authors do specials.Thus both writer designations are vital in our house.

We also give recommendations to our listed authors,to help with their career growth,and even assist them to get more writing opportunities outside our family.So it's a good opportunity,for those who would not want to be staff writers,for instance,due to other engagements.Our divisions remain the same,as shown here,and topics given to listed authors will be from those divisions.We therefore make it easier for listed authors to write for us,by giving them topics,unlike staff writers who have to come up with topics themselves.

We have been on a drive to get more staff writers,which is still underway,and you can still apply for it as outlined here,what we had not made public is that we also seek freelance writers.If you are interested in this opportunity,then the guidelines remains to first show us your writing ability through two sample articles of your choice,not necessarily,but preferably from our 10 divisions.Send them to the editor at,and we will correspond with you.So go ahead and become one of the valued members of our team,as our publications continue to grow.

If you love poetry the we have good news.We are one of the sponsors of the CHEKI CHEKI poetry festival,where you can participate as a poet,reader or sponsor,or even all three,and stand to win prizes,awards and publishing deals.For poets,you can see the categories,rules and guidelines here .We encourage you to participate in this celebration of the noblest of art forms under the patronage of fortune money publishing house,and allied sponsors.


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