Immigration in Kenya,the scam gets murkier.
It is the dream of possibly every Kenyan Youth to fly out to a different country to seek employment and a better life for themselves and their immediate family. The lack of jobs in the country prompts them to seek cheap methods of accessing their dreams. A small percentage actually manages to gain entry to the foreign countries and even accomplish their dreams, but what about the unlucky lot?
It is no longer heresy but now each day we hear stories of young Kenyans stuck in Arab countries where they work under inhumane conditions for so little pay if any. Stories make rounds on social media of girls who have been the victims of sexual assault at the hands of their employers and even their sons. Some when leaving the country are assured of hotel jobs only to arrive and find out that the supposed ‘agent’ actually traded them for money. These girls are used in brothels and at times in this line of work some wind up dead mysteriously.
Parents watch helplessly as they hear stories of what their children go through daily with no solution at hand but to appeal for help from fellow Kenyans. Most youth who are eventually rescued narrate harrowing stories of their experiences. Other are lured to Somalia with the promise of office jobs and huge sums of money only to find themselves being recruited into jihadist groups. We have lost many youths due to this trend that seems not to have an end in sight due to the slow response if any of the Kenyan Government. The duty of rescuing these young Kenyans has been relegated to Non-Governmental Organizations and Human Rights Organizations such as The International Rescue Committee. The appeal is to our government to create more employment opportunities so that we can reduce the clamor for abroad jobs and also to try and reach out to all its citizens in the Diaspora.